10 000 Steps A Day Weight Loss Stories

10 000 Steps A Day Weight Loss Stories – My name is Krystal White (@krystalgetsfit_) and I am 25 years old. I live in Seattle, WA and work as an advocate for students with special needs. I decided to change my lifestyle after I couldn’t fit into the clothes I loved, and now I’ve lost 70 pounds.

Before I started my weight loss journey, I had been heavy all my life. But I never really thought about how important it is to eat healthy and exercise until about two years ago. I ate large portions for three and wouldn’t stop eating, even when I wasn’t hungry. When I wanted something sweet, I wouldn’t eat two candy bars, I would eat the whole bag.

10 000 Steps A Day Weight Loss Stories

But growing up I was also active, and comfortable in my own skin. I played soccer and basketball as a kid and basketball as a teenager.

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But a major reality check came on a trip to Universal Studios with my fiance two years ago.

Almost from walking more than before (and I also passed from braving the heat). And when we went on the Harry Potter ride, they took us out of line and took us to the test benches to make sure we would be able to ride. We got fit (barely) but I freaked out. At my heaviest, I weighed 250 lbs.

My official turning point came in September 2018. I go to a lot of festivals and concerts and I like to dress up with them. I was so excited when a company I loved started selling plus size clothing. I ordered the cutest dress I’ve ever seen in its largest size (2XL). But when the costume arrived in the mail and I tried it on, it didn’t even fit in my stomach. I cried a lot and it destroyed me. I knew it was time for a change.

We got a Planet Fitness membership and loved how low key it was. We didn’t feel afraid to be there.

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I also changed my diet. First, I stopped buying processed foods that I would normally buy at the grocery store (chips, crackers, soda). I really started reading labels and buying foods that are low in sugar and low in fat.

I used the MyFitnessPal app to track calories and everything I ate. I never realized I was eating three times the number of calories I should have in a day. I stayed away from sweets in the break room at work and found healthy alternatives to the foods I enjoyed. MyFitnessPal has really worked for me and held me accountable. I didn’t even follow a specific diet plan; I just track calories and watch my portion sizes.

It took me a while to get used to going to the gym. I started doing what I could for 30 minutes, then I went home.

At first, the cardio made me feel like I was getting a good workout and got my heart rate up. Now I try to exercise at least four days a week. I always start with cardio on the elliptical or StairMaster, and really get into it with my Spotify workout playlist. I’m the one dancing in the gym!

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After I do at least 30 minutes of cardio, I go to the machines or find a mat and do Pinterest workouts for another 30 minutes. And I always aim to get more than 10,000 steps every day. If I don’t pace myself at work, I make sure I go to the gym after work to get them in.

I want other women to know that all it takes is a spark of inspiration and a lot of determination to become a healthier version of yourself. People know it’s going to be hard and those first two workouts are going to be really bad. But I promise I will never leave the gym and think:

I’m always proud of myself and feel the adrenaline rush of the high heart rate and the work I’ve just done.

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How Far Is 10,000 Steps And Will That Help You Lose Weight?

“I lost 190 pounds. Through healthy eating and running, this mom lost 90 pounds. Through calorie counting” I lost 90 pounds with portion control and lifting “I lost 100 pounds. With WW and Jazzercise”

I lost 95 pounds. I lost 53 lbs on the Pescatarian Diet ‘How I Lost 123 Pounds’ With WW and Peloton. I lost 137 lbs with the calorie deficit and Barry. With the Beachbody 2B Mindset Plan’ Weight Loss Story: “Walking 10,000 steps a day helped me lose 24 pounds in 8 months.” .COM | Last Updated – Jan 13, 2022 10:00 PM ISTShare fbshretwsharepinshare Comments (0)

Prasangsa Roy Choudhury is a happy-go-lucky girl who loves shopping, dressing up and eating to her heart’s content. However, being overweight has become a major obstacle in her life. Due to the weight gain, he became very lazy, lost all confidence and found it difficult to interact with new people. Over time, he even stopped wearing his own clothes and couldn’t find any that fit. That’s when she decided to lose weight and get her life back on track! Here’s how she achieves her fitness goals: Also Read: Weight Loss Story: “At 63, I Successfully Lowered My BMI From 27 To 25.5” Name: Prasangsa Roy Chaudhary Occupation: Student Age: 17 Height: 161 cm City: Kolkata Most Registered weight: 87.5 kg Weight lost: 24 kg Time to lose weight: 8 months Read more

Being overweight made me very lazy and seriously affected my self-confidence. My old clothes didn’t fit me, and I couldn’t find clothes that fit my body. After being overweight for a while, I finally decided to lose those extra pounds. Read more

Scientists Finally Did A Study To See If Taking 10,000 Steps A Day Actually Matters. Here’s What They Found

My breakfast: 1 slice of bread and 2 egg whites My lunch: Cornflakes and an apple My dinner: Wheat roti chicken salad, dal and mixed vegetables Pre-workout meal: 3 pcs. almonds Post workout meal: Fruits like papaya, apple, guava and lemon. Enjoy (what you eat on cheat days): Once a month, I give myself a cheat day. I eat my favorite food cooked by my mother. Low-Calorie Recipes Who I Swear By: Sprout Salad read more

I haven’t joined any gym, nor have I done yoga. I have taken at least 10,000 steps a day, which has really helped me the most in my weight loss journey.

I have completely cut out sugar and margarine. I realized that these two things are the factors behind my weight gain. How do I stay motivated?: I have always been motivated. Since my weight loss journey began, I have been determined to lose weight because I wanted to bring out the best version of myself and show people that I too can lose weight without joining a gym. How do you make sure you don’t lose focus?: In the beginning, I lost a lot of weight and in a very short period of time. But when I touched 70 kg, shedding the pounds was important. The process started to slow down and I started to lose hope and focus. At that time, my mother and father motivated me a lot. My father encouraged me to achieve my goals and even promised me a reward (he rewarded me anyway, for my work). My parents were a wonderful support system. Slowly and steadily, I reached my goal of 63 kg. Read more

When I was overweight, I couldn’t interact with new people. I was shy about my weight and didn’t have much self-confidence. But once I lost the weight, I started to gain confidence and engage with the people around me. What is your lowest point?: My lowest point was when I couldn’t wear the nice dresses my parents bought me. As a shopaholic, I was embarrassed when I couldn’t find the right clothes for myself. But all that has changed now. I hope to maintain a healthy weight and motivate others to do the same. What do you look like in 10 years?: I want to be fit and healthy and in 10 years, I hope to gain at least 60 kg and keep it like today. Read more

Forget 10,000 Steps — Here’s How Much You Should Walk A Day: Research

I stopped eating fast food and sweets. As I mentioned before, I have eliminated sugar and margarine from my diet. This has helped me a lot in my weight loss journey. Even on my cheat days, I preferred to eat my mom’s home-cooked meals. Weight Loss Lessons: I’ve been a foodie my whole life. During my weight loss journey, I learned to control my cravings for junk food and sweets. Now, even if someone offers it to me

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